"A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homemade Nursing Undershirts

I hate having my stomach show when I am nursing. Especially since I do not have a golden tan or rock hard abs. At the moment my torso is stretch marks and flab. I simply took some old basic tank tops and cut boob holes in them. It works perfect. I just put my nursing bra on, my holey tank and then my regular shirt. It works and it is very cheap, and after having babies some of us may have some tanks that are a little snug around. It also gives me support unlike the nursing tanks that I have.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning/Garage Sale

This weekend I am having my first garage sale. I will be very busy this week getting prepared! This is my first step in getting organized and going simple. My neighbor is having one and invited me to join in on the fun. I figure this is the best way to get some spring cleaning done. It is also going to help me keep my house clean cause I am going to TRY to get rid of lots of stuff. I am really bad at getting rid of things. I am going to use the if I have not used it in a year it's gone method. What ever I do not sell is getting donated. How do you get rid of stuff?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hair for the Birds

Yup, I said exactly what I mean. My mom always did this when I was growing up. When you are done cleaning your hair brush throw the hair outside. The birds use it to make nests. You can also give them little pieces of yarn or string.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Toliet bowl cleaner alternative.

I used baking soda to clean my toliet bowls yesterday. It was very easy I just poured some in the toliet and used the brush. They came out sparkly clean. I did not use any hash chemicals that are bad for the environment and getting into our water. It is also one less bottle of bulky plastic taking up to much space in the cupboard. Saves money too. Best of all if my babies get into it they are not going get sick.