"A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu

Monday, March 28, 2011

Busy me and a yummy homemade chocolate syrup recipe.

It's been a long time since I've posted. I've been super busy in my life. Ike and Sam turned one and two over Christmas. They are keeping me super busy. They are both into everything and keep me on toes all day (and night) long. I'm am feeling more focused this spring. Yes, I said spring! The sun is shining! I've started my own work from home business and I am getting life more organized. I am also do a lot more from scratch cooking. My family is getting healthier. I will be sharing what I can.

Yesterday I made homemade chocolate syrup from Heavenly Homemakers. This taste exactly like Hershey's syrup. The best part is that the homemade version does not have High Fructose Corn syrup.


Anonymous said...

I could not find the recipe :(

Jessica said...

That's strange that the link is not working. Try this one http://heavenlyhomemakers.com/homemade-healthier-chocolate-milk